Bye bye, spammers

I have disabled comments, as most were generated by automated spam robots. You are welcome to share your thoughts with me via any other channel.

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Two bar charts or so

These charts are part of an Economist article, which picks up a few of the data points. They show to what extent physical impairments affect people.

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A bunch of sticky notes

I find this process chart quite fascinating because it carries a feel of how it evolved. The upper half has been arranged following a plan, but then

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Fixing a messed-up table

Basically, a table is a concept noted for creating clarity, and very much in use because of that. There are, however, ways to eliminate this effect,

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A copy-paste table

When you copy a table from a spreadsheet tool and paste it into your presentation you are likely to paste grid lines and alternate row colors there,

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Handling much content

This chart is a difficult one to understand for several reasons. The first thing that puts us off is an unbearable plenitude of information, filling

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